
Frontispiece Figure 1
Frontispiece Figure 2
The frontispiece shows the "Live Linkage Map of the Mouse," an exhibit presented by the staff of the Jackson Laboratory at the Tenth International Congress of Genetics held at McGill University in Montreal, Canada, August 20-27, 1958. A portion of the exhibit with five of the twenty mouse chromosomes is shown. Each chromosome is represented "at a magnification of approximately 25,000" by a vertical ruler-like line. Each locus known at the time of the Congress is represented with a cage of mice containing animals with the defining mutation. The text accompanying the exhibit states: "This exhibit is designed to show how far we have come [in developing a mouse linkage map] and also to give an idea of the job remaining to be done." By October 1994, over 8,000 independent loci had been mapped onto the mouse genome. The author wishes to express his deep gratitude to Douglas Macbeth at the Jackson Laboratory for his continued persistence in locating this archival material.
